This blog will show you how to use the LEDs of the Rainbow hat peripheral. In learning about how to make the LEDs blink, we will use the GPIO protocol which can come in handy…
Read more of [TUT] Android Things – LEDs, GPIO on the Rainbow Hat
Android Developer Tutorials
This blog will show you how to use the LEDs of the Rainbow hat peripheral. In learning about how to make the LEDs blink, we will use the GPIO protocol which can come in handy…
Read more of [TUT] Android Things – LEDs, GPIO on the Rainbow Hat
This blog is going to show you how to write your first Android Things application. We’ll discuss the hardware details you need to know to get started and then dive into the code of the…
This tutorial will show you how you can architect your Android Things applications to make testing much easier. This involves two types of testing: unit and vendor testing. Google has just announced the amazing Android…
Read more of [TUT] Testing Android Things – Unit & Vendor tests
This tutorial is going to be quick and to the point. When you want to create a Button or other Android Widget you more than likely want a ripple effect when it is pressed. I’ll…
Read more of [TUT] Programmatically create a RippleDrawable of any color
This post explains how to control time and specifically control System.currentTimeMillis. To make your code more flexible, maintainable and in the end testable! Showing an example application that uses time to define different behaviour for…
Read more of [TUT] How to test time and control System.currentTimeMillis
Creating comments with timestamps like YouTube (java.util.Date or JodaTime) This tutorial shows how you can create timestamped messages like the YouTube comments section. What this means is we will convert the timestamp (date) that each…
Read more of [TUT] Creating comments with timestamps like YouTube
Have you ever had a spreadsheet and thought it’d be really good if I could get data into this from a mobile app. What a great idea, next comes the thought that this is actually…
Read more of [TUT] Send app data to a web spreadsheet (Google Sheets)