Sick of repeating your generics declaration?Sick of repeating your generics declaration?
List<SomeObject> listOfSomething = new ArrayList<SomeObject>(); Map<SomeKey, SomeObject> mapOfSomething = new HashMap<SomeKey, SomeObject>();
For a quick and easy way to create a collection of objects you can do the below.
Create yourself a util class:
package com.blundell.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; public class Collections { public static <E> ArrayList<E> newArrayList() { return new ArrayList<E>(); } public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> newHashMap() { return new HashMap<K, V>(); } }
Then each time you only need to declare your generics once.
List<SomeObject> listOfSomething = Collections.newArrayList(); Map<SomeKey, SomeObject> mapOfSomething = Collections.newHashMap();
This is due to Type Inference. Inspired by Joshua Bloch’s – Effective Java (second edition)
good blog.tnx