Someone was asking me the other day what do I do when I’m not writing Android apps. Well here’s the answer: Enjoy my meta blog.
Tag: blundell
[TUT] Generic One Option Dialog Fragment (with data)
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a dialog fragment that can be used for general purpose dialogs where you want to show the user a message and just have one option for…
Read more of [TUT] Generic One Option Dialog Fragment (with data)
[TUT] Add Your App to the Android ‘do something’ Menu (using Intent Filters)
This request is to be able to add your application to the context menus of the android system. When the android system or another application wants to do a specific task, it will broadcast an…
Read more of [TUT] Add Your App to the Android ‘do something’ Menu (using Intent Filters)
[TUT] Basic Date Picker
I was just looking on the Android Developer site and the only tutorial they had to show a DatePicker was within a dialog. I didn’t want my datepicker in a dialog, I wanted it embedded…
[TUT] Preloaded images set as phone wallpaper
This is the first request that I’ve done! This tutorial will show you how to display some images within your application from the resources folder, you can browse through these images and choose to set…